Victoria Crisp
President, Executive Director
For 20 years Victoria’s personal and professional resume is filled with factual bullets of helping children succeed. Whether in a specific special education setting, a private charter school or a traditional public school system, Victoria has “been there & done that”. Victoria understands families, she empathizes with grace and gets results. Victoria is a change agent. She fights for the children she represents and is determined to get what they deserve. Parents have called her a “life changer”.
Victoria’s strengths: counseling skills, being able to cope with distressing situations, problem solving, a caring personality (empathetic), excellent people skills, planning, and decision-making.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) are just a few of the medical diagnoses of kids that Victoria’s has represented.
Victoria lives just North of Boston, MA in Salem, MA. To reach Victoria for a consult, ask a question or get some advice please call or email her at